"Mental health isn’t just an athlete thing. What you do for a living doesn’t have to define who you are. This is an everyone thing." - Kevin Love, Cleveland Cavaliers

Information and resources to support your mental health

Get urgent help for mental health

You need help now, but you don’t know where to start

You want crisis coping tools

What can I do to help myself cope?

You need to talk

Samaritans offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult. The service is free and available to you any time of day or night:

Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours



Switch the Play Foundation and State of Mind are two UK charities we have close connections with. They both understand mental health in the context of sport.

There are links to their resources below:


Find out more from the Switch The Play website.


Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or background, can develop one. Learn about different diagnoses and signs to look out for in yourself or someone you know at the Beat Eating Disorders website.


Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference.

Seize the Awkward has a number of tools on their website – from conversation guides to tips – that can help you to help those in need.

These resources from BelievePerform have advice on supporting your own, or someone else’s, mental health.